Rotarians prepare to ‘Be the Inspiration’ for positive change

District Governors, outgoing and incoming presidents of the 5 Rotary Clubs ready to “Be the Inspiration” in 2018-19.
District Governors, outgoing and incoming presidents of the 5 Rotary Clubs ready to “Be the Inspiration” in 2018-19.

Joint ceremonies held to install 5 club presidents in Pattaya

Rotary’s annual tradition of bidding adieu to outgoing officers and welcoming new leaders for the next year was held at a joint gathering June 8, as clubs with a variety of nationalities and languages held installation ceremonies in the Head of State Chamber at the Royal Cliff Grand Hotel, Pattaya.

District Governor Onanong Siripornmanut (right) presents the prestigious Women in Rotary Award to Past President Ratana Yothawong of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya.
District Governor Onanong Siripornmanut (right) presents the prestigious Women in Rotary Award to Past President Ratana Yothawong of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya.

The grand affair, chaired by District Governor Onanong Siripornmanut, was the very first time that all 5 non-Thai speaking clubs participated in the Joint Installation ceremonies. They were the Rotary Clubs of Jomtien-Pattaya, Eastern Seaboard, Pattaya Marina (French), Phoenix Pattaya (German) and Dolphin Pattaya International (English/German).

The proceedings, guided by Rtn Jariya Wuensche and PDG Peter Malhotra, saw many senior Rotarians from around Thailand including local community leaders attending to give their support to Rotarians in District 3340 R.I.

During the course of the evening children from the Child Protection and Development Center put on a show that gladdened the hearts of everyone. Other entertainment was the Royal Cliff’s JMC Trio and the ever so popular Chad and Friends rock ‘n roll band.

Major sponsors of the evening included Ken Whitty and Kan­pitcha, who supplied an abundance of Paulaner Bier, and Zoltan Zakor, Director of Business Development at Vanich­wathana (Bangkok) Co., Ltd. with exclusive French wines.

District Governor Onanong presented a Women in Rotary Award to Past President Ratana Yothawong honouring her as the First Woman Rotarian and First Woman Club President in Thailand. Ratana joined the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya on 1 February 1990 and served as president in 1993-94.

Past President Alvi Sinthuvanik presents a plaque of appreciation to President Nachlada Nammontree of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya in recognition of her undaunted service to her club during the 2017-18 Rotary year.
Past President Alvi Sinthuvanik presents a plaque of appreciation to President Nachlada Nammontree of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya in recognition of her undaunted service to her club during the 2017-18 Rotary year.

It was not only an evening of celebration and recognition for the achievements of Rotarians who sacrificed their time and energy, not to mention financial resources to implement a myriad of humanitarian projects for the underprivileged people in our communities, but also to encourage and inspire the new leadership of Rotary clubs to do even more to serve humanity.

The newly installed presidents, Vutikorn Kamolchote (Jomtien-Pattaya), Brian Songhurst (Eastern Seaboard), Pierre Yves Eraud (Pattaya Marina), Peter Schlegel (Phoenix Pattaya) and Maneeya Engelking (Dolphin Pattaya International) issued a joint communiqué quoting Barry Rassin, Rotary International President for 2018-19, which read, “Since Rotary was founded 113 years ago, its role in the world and in the lives of its members has been in a state of continuous evolution. In its earliest days, Rotary offered its members a way to find fellowship and friendship and to build connections within their communities. Soon after, service found a place in Rotary, and as our organization expanded, so did its influence.

President Nachlada Nammontree presents a certificate of gratitude to Ken Whitty, MD of Flow Inter Co., Ltd., who generously sponsored many barrels of Paulaner Bier. At right is PE Vutikorn Kamolchote.
President Nachlada Nammontree presents a certificate of gratitude to Ken Whitty, MD of Flow Inter Co., Ltd., who generously sponsored many barrels of Paulaner Bier. At right is PE Vutikorn Kamolchote.

“In time, Rotary’s service, supported by our Rotary Foundation, would change the lives of families and communities across the world. We formed partnerships and focused our service to increase our impact. We launched the world’s largest public-private health initiative, partnering with governments, international organizations, and countless local and regional health agencies to eradicate polio.

“Unfortunately, not enough people fully understand what Rotary is and does. Even within our clubs, many Rotarians don’t know enough about Rotary to take full advantage of what Rotary membership offers.

President Gaye thanks Zoltan Zakor, Director of Business Development at Vanichwathana (Bangkok) Co., Ltd., for his kind sponsorship of exclusive French wines.
President Gaye thanks Zoltan Zakor, Director of Business Development at Vanichwathana (Bangkok) Co., Ltd., for his kind sponsorship of exclusive French wines.

“We need to put more emphasis on our public image, using social media to build our membership and attract the partners that can help us scale up our service. Most important of all, we need to be the Inspiration for positive change, inspiring our clubs, our communities, and our organization to face today’s challenges head on, with courage, optimism, and creativity. As Paul Harris the founder of Rotary put it, “Rotary is a microcosm of a world at peace, a model which nations will do well to follow.” To me, Rotary is not only a model but an inspiration. It shows us what is possible, inspires us to reach for it, and gives us a path to act – and to ‘Be the Inspiration’ to our world.

President Gaye and PE Vutikorn Kamolchote present a meritorious Service Award to David Chappell for his staunch support for Rotary throughout the years.
President Gaye and PE Vutikorn Kamolchote present a meritorious Service Award to David Chappell for his staunch support for Rotary throughout the years.
Rtn Jariya Wuensche and PDG Peter Malhotra keep the proceedings moving at a lively pace.
Rtn Jariya Wuensche and PDG Peter Malhotra keep the proceedings moving at a lively pace.
President Peter Schlegel welcomes Bruno Spornberger as a member of the Rotary Club of Phoenix Pattaya.
President Peter Schlegel welcomes Bruno Spornberger as a member of the Rotary Club of Phoenix Pattaya.
On behalf of the children from the CPDC, Siromes Akrapongpanich (right) receives a token of appreciation from President Margret Deter.
On behalf of the children from the CPDC, Siromes Akrapongpanich (right) receives a token of appreciation from President Margret Deter.
A Sister Club agreement was signed between the Rotary Club of Pasay Maharika, Philippines, represented by PP Elma Perello-Lagamson (right), and the Rotary E-Club of Dolphin Pattaya International represented by PE Maneeya Engelking (left) and Pres. Dr Margret Deter.
A Sister Club agreement was signed between the Rotary Club of Pasay Maharika, Philippines, represented by PP Elma Perello-Lagamson (right), and the Rotary E-Club of Dolphin Pattaya International represented by PE Maneeya Engelking (left) and Pres. Dr Margret Deter.
DGE Maruai Jintabunditwong (left) and DGE Wimon Kachintaksa (right) congratulate Peter Schlegel (Phoenix Pattaya) and Brian Songhurst (Eastern Seaboard) on their re-installation as presidents of their respective clubs.
DGE Maruai Jintabunditwong (left) and DGE Wimon Kachintaksa (right) congratulate Peter Schlegel (Phoenix Pattaya) and Brian Songhurst (Eastern Seaboard) on their re-installation as presidents of their respective clubs.
Pierre Yves Eraud is installed as president of the Rotary Club of Pattaya Marina.
Pierre Yves Eraud is installed as president of the Rotary Club of Pattaya Marina.

Pres. Gaye presents the Meritorious Service Award to Panisara Hansamutr and Paweesuda Hansamutr, her two most trusted assistants throughout the year.
Pres. Gaye presents the Meritorious Service Award to Panisara Hansamutr and Paweesuda Hansamutr, her two most trusted assistants throughout the year.
The heavyweights of Rotary (l-r) DGE Surapol Thaweesangsakulthai, PDG Peter Malhotra, PDG Premprecha Dibbayawan, PDG Vivat Pipatchaisiri and PDG Xanxai Visitkul.
The heavyweights of Rotary (l-r) DGE Surapol Thaweesangsakulthai, PDG Peter Malhotra, PDG Premprecha Dibbayawan, PDG Vivat Pipatchaisiri and PDG Xanxai Visitkul.
The Paulaner team ensured there was a constant supply of the world’s favourite Paulaner Bier direct from Munich.
The Paulaner team ensured there was a constant supply of the world’s favourite Paulaner Bier direct from Munich.
The fabulous Chad and Friends had the dance floor vibrating late into the night.
The fabulous Chad and Friends had the dance floor vibrating late into the night.