Amazing Pattaya



Thank you for an always interesting read. The last Friday February 24th’s provided even more laughs per page than usual

First orft, a picture of the very strange looking Dolphin light poles I had the dubious pleasure of viewing myself a few days ago and I thought what the hell are they, why are they there, they look really really ugly and stupid. Who cares if work installing them is six months behind schedule, when has anything City Hall is involved in finished on schedule? It would be a blessing if, like the Jomtien Second Road, the project was never finished.

A picture of city workers busy repairing ‘minor’ road problems like repairing a damaged drainage cover which had been damaged ‘For some time and had become hazardous to traffic.’  Not only but also apparently crews had been sent to Jomtien Soi 19 to clean out garbage clogged drains. However, 2 days later the drains remained clogged. Gee whizz, now there’s a surprise.

Another picture and ‘Soi 10 repairs miss another deadline’ – The Soi 10 construction project promised to be completed last November still obviously has a long way to go.

Encroachers on South Pattaya waterways given final notice. ‘It was found 14 people had encroached onto the canal with illegal construction and a letter was sent to the encroachers in September, 2011 a further notice was posted in November 15 giving the 14 encroachers 30 days to remove the constructions, but that too was ignored. I’m no mathematical genius but 30 days from November 15 is, lets see- Ho Hum?

If my memory serves me right there was a picture of City Hall officials looking at the same illegal buildings a year earlier saying the same thing. See where I’m going here?

Then ‘Stricter disciplinary measures for rogue baht bus drivers in 4 to 5 months.’ Oh Really! What would have been even funnier would have been ‘Stricter disciplinary measures for rogue jet ski operators in ‘4 to 5 months’.

Not forgetting, ‘Mayor says new plant would ensure city has enough water for 20 years.’ That’s really reassuring Mr. Mayor, coming so soon after the water authority said only a few weeks ago there was plenty of water, the problem was getting it from A to B which would take a few more years to get sorted out – ‘A few more years’ – Are you getting the all too familiar picture here, a larf a minute innitt!

Then there is the road widening for plan for Pattaya Beach Road. HELLOOOOOO! How’s about widening the beach which is more important. I saw a Pattaya Publicity TV program where Pattaya beach is shown at low tide and looks very nice. Shame there is also high tide when there is no beach to speak of!

A pathetic picture of the Women’s Tennis Association Tournament Organizers and city officials pouring a bit of sand onto the eroded Pattaya beach in a symbolic gesture – wow! How’s about doing something positive and less symbolic?

Let’s face it – Pattaya is a disaster from start to finish, nothing ever is what it seems and nothing seems what it is. Strangely I would not want to live anywhere else in the world. Pattaya I love you, I have been living here for 12 years, well in Jomtien actually, and have never been so happy in all my 75 years.

Thank you Amazing Pattaya for a truly wonderful retirement.
