American group policy tax write offs



Re: Became billionaires by building something (PM Mailbag Friday, 11 March 2016) – Perhaps you are in your element when you smell a rat? In America we have group policies which were tax write offs. But Bill “Ya had to make the money first!”

To attract and keep employees in a small business (and avoid the cost of training new ones in an “astute” manner) benefits are provided by the wise. Typically, due to low turnover and treating people as I would want to be treated, I had six employees at any time over these 26 years. Certain that if my employees died in hospital their bills would be covered. Some continued to work for me after they qualified for Medicare and I paid them the difference that their insurance cost in wages because both were a write-off of taxable corporate income.

I worked in America rather than England where you are presently evicting people from council flats.
