Another Thai angel



Re: Angels are still amongst us (Mailbag Friday, 23 November 2012) – Hi Barry, I don’t claim to be anyone special. I am just another falang living a dream. 12 years ago I met a Thai woman in a bar. I don’t claim she was a maid or only a cashier. I tell it as it is. We got on well together and were married and settled down in the village.

Several years ago I had a hip replacement and this woman nursed me back to health. She also stayed by my bedside during my stay in Hospital. A few years passed and I was run down by a motorcyclist. I was again in the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. Tua stayed with me and sent to the village for further help. Two young men came down and helped look after me.

I had let my insurance lapse and my money was tied up on fixed term deposits. The people in my village mortgaged their land and came up with 250000 T/baht so I could have the operation done. The full cost was T/B 700000. I was wheelchair bound for 3 months and my Thai carers stayed with me all this time. No one ever asked for payment but I believe if you call the tune you must pay the piper.

The years rolled on and last year I was back in the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. This time I spent 5 weeks in ICU and Tua rarely left my side. After I was transferred to a ward, Tua and my son lived in the hospital room until my discharge.

Life has not been kind to my wife and I wish she could have done better than me. I love her dearly and count my blessings. So mate, you are not alone and I wish you all the best.

Sean Murphy