Australian free medical care envy of other countries?



Re: Favours Thai system over British NHS (PM Mailbag Friday, 15 January 2016) – The Australian free medical care is supposed to be the envy of other countries. There is free everything. Not so, if you are working you contribute a % of your wage to finance this scheme. You must pay to see a doctor & also for medication. If you are admitted to hospital (then you are classified as not working) so it is free. Pensioners do receive most things free, but you must pay a token for prescriptions.

At Bangkok Hospital Pattaya I had an eye test and within one week I underwent surgery. In Australia the same procedure is free but you must wait 2 years before you are put on the list & then wait months for surgery. Many people die while waiting. The same for hip & knee surgery. I fell and broke my hip. Admitted to BHP I was up and walking within 4 days with a repaired hip.

I am covered under the Veteran’s scheme for a number of things but insurance companies will not cover me for existing ailments.

Over the 20+ years here between myself & Veteran Affairs we have contributed millions of baht to the Thailand economy. I am not crying on your shoulder as there are many others who are worse off than I.

Malta is one of the many countries who accept Medicare.

Bryan O’Shea