Being stabbed is not as dangerous as being shot



Re: Been called out (PM Mailbag Friday, 11 April 2014) – Mr. Arnone challenged me to say where people were being forced to endure his smoke, then promptly named 2 places himself. Bars, for one. If I want to have a quick beer in the evening before I head home, I should not have to be forced to breathe his smoke. Siam Paragon. Mr. Arnone said people were avoiding him to avoid his smoke. Why should they have to take an action to avoid his behavior?

He also points out that second hand smoke is not as dangerous as other pollutants. He thus implies that we shouldn’t be concerned about it. But that’s kind of like saying that being stabbed is not as dangerous as being shot so we shouldn’t be concerned about people with knives.

Sorry, sir, but that makes no sense. I’ll reiterate my position, which you did not address. You have no right to force anyone to smoke against their will. Any time. Any where. Any amount. And that includes in bars and outside shopping malls.

John Nielson