Better than winning the lottery


Dear Editor;

Watching the news for the past two plus weeks and praying fervently for the safe rescue of the cave boys, I was totally gladdened to learn on Tuesday evening of the rescue of the final four plus their asst. coach. They were in my thoughts and prayers every single day and a special prayer said to Lord Buddha to watch over and protect them. Special prayers for their rescue also at Mass last week when the whole congregation prayed for them.

Seeing their smiles on the news when the first divers found them was incredible. Living as they did on drops of water coming off the ceilings in the cave, they appeared in good spirits and the ‘V’ sign one of the boys gave was wonderful.

I should wish to congratulate every single person involved in the rescue operation and my prayers and thanks go out to them for their incredible teamwork and efforts. The whole world was watching with bated breath and now all we can do is await the boys leaving hospital and returning to their families and loved ones.

I had to smile when I heard that FIFA had offered them special seats at the World Cup Final but they will not be strong enough; however, terrific news to learn that Manchester United has offered them a visit to Old Trafford and watch one of their games and meet the players. Well done United for this totally incredibly magnificent gesture.

God bless them all and recover quickly. My thoughts and prayers are still with you and your families.

A Delighted Farang