Boycotting Nestle’


Dear Editor;

Last year I had a letter in this newspaper about a boycott of Lipton tea because they were engaged in cruel experiments on animals. Because of the publicity we were able to generate Lipton agreed (as I noted in a follow-up letter) to end their experiments.

Now it’s Nestea who is torturing animals. (Nestea is owned by Nestle’ which also owns Milo and Nescafe and I’m boycotting all of them).

Quoting from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): “Here are just two examples (there are many more) of the horrors endured by the animals used in Nestea’s tea experiments. Mice bred to suffer from brain dysfunction and rapid aging were fed green tea extracts and then locked in a dark chamber and given painful electric shocks to their feet. The mice were then killed. Rats bred to develop high fat and cholesterol levels were forced to consume tea extracts through a tube that was shoved down their throats. The rats were then killed and dissected.”

Now I know mice and rats don’t have many friends among humans. But those animals being tortured can suffer just as much as a dog or a cat and are just as worthy of our sympathy. Therefore we should boycott Nestle’ products until they end the torture.

Eric Bahrt