Build on rock, not sand



Re: Pattaya reels as Vamco leaves a path of destruction (PM Thursday, 17 September 2015) – New pavement washed away on Pattaya Beach and Jomtien Beach. Thought it had been engineered and constructed at massive costs, so it wouldn’t wash away! Any competent engineer would see that it doesn’t have adequate foundations, but competent engineers and constructors seem to be always absent here.

Only two weeks ago some commenter wrote here in the PM about the Jomtien work, “it might be best to stop at 20% for a month or two to see if the new work washes away as it did/is doing in Pattaya”. He wasn’t far off the mark.

As a 7 year old, I was taught at Sunday School: “build upon the rock and not upon the sand”.

John Guru