Carnival of Death



Re: Indonesia must be firm in facing Australia’s threats: Law expert (PM Saturday, 21 February 2015) – Carnival of Death. (Last week) two Australian drug couriers were moved from prison in Bali to be transported to death island for execution. Surrounded by 10 armed guards each. The men were loaded into an armored personal carrier and moved outside where 200 police were on guard. School children waved as 2 Sukhoi Jet Fighters roared overhead. Followed by more APCs they reached Ngurah Rai International Airport and boarded an aircraft & were chained to their seats. There was no vacant seats as the guards filled the aircraft. The turbo prop plane took off now accompanied with 2 more SukhRyanoi now with missiles under slung.

After a 1 hour flight they landed at an island known as Jokowi and moved to a secure prison escorted by armored cars with canons mounted.

Now they await their fate. They will not be taken outside and shot in the neck. They will be tied to a square wooden post with a small podium to stand on and asked if they wanted a blind fold. They will then be shot by an unnamed number of marksmen. Even with the trauma of being shot it may take 6 minutes for the brain to surrender to death.

There was talk of Australian special forces intervening but that is far from reality & only helps to sell newspapers. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Move over Barnum & Bailey the new Ring Master is “President Joko Widodo”.

Ryan Patricks