Clean up Soi Potisan



After reading the article about cleaning up Soi Arunothai I was a bit shocked that city hall actually did something good. I just wanted to let you know that this is not the only area where there is tons of dump.

I live in wonderland 2 village on Soi Potisan. And on the back of my house there is a road passing from North Pattaya Road to Potisan. This is in my opinion a way bigger dump area than Soi Arunothai.

At least twice a month they need to come from the fire department to spray water on the trash they burn. It’s even so bad that one time flames came up to the window of my bedroom on the second floor on the back of my house.

It would be a good idea for city hall to give that road also some attention. Not to talk about the small of burning stuff, and the smell of all the waste left behind. Have a look at the pic and decide for yourself.

I know I might not get anywhere with this mail but at least some one did read it.


John Vandaele