Demon crazy



Democracy is not a spectator sport. Honest fair-play and even-handedness are ensured by involved citizens who are full participants in the electoral process rather than casual sidelines observers.

The real safeguards of a free and fair election are education, information technology and knowledge to choose wisely and promote sustainable human development. We can have anything we want and end up getting exactly what we deserve. Those who do not vote have no legitimate right to complain.

Democracy, socialism, capitalism, communism, totalitarianism – labels are for clothing not people who, like countries, come in all colors, shapes and sizes. S, M, L, XL: one size definitely does not fit all. The best fit means choosing or adapting the form and style of government that most nearly meets your individual desires and needs. Abstract ideas that may seem beautiful in theory too often prove to be corrupted notions which fall far short when actually put into practice. Better to simply cherish civil liberties within an openly flexible society that respects constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and just multiversity rather than perverse demoncrazy – or whatever you choose to call it.

Dr. Chanchai Prasertson