Don’t complain unless you offer solutions



I was taught by a very smart boss who got things done… Don’t complain unless you offer solutions. I suggest all parking on Pattaya Tai Road be eliminated on BOTH sides of the street 24 hours per day. Create taxi stops for the songtaews to use only designated stopping areas. Make big fines for anyone double parked and enforce it on 2nd Road and Beach Road.

I suggest all sidewalks (foot paths) be at least 5 feet wide, eliminate vendors from sidewalks, and from setting up shop in the streets. I agree with the jet ski scam, eliminate jet ski rentals for a period of 3 months, then allow people to file for permits to rent, requiring they show proof of insurance, and make it clear they are responsible for all damages, not the tourists.

If anyone is reported for trying to rip off a tourist, the police should take all the jet skis away, and take away their license. Post signs on the beach of the new Law/Rules so tourists know the jet ski scam is over.

Fresh Farang