Enforcing a request?



Please help a poor confused Farang – In Pattaya Mail Friday May 13th – ‘Tuesday is Visakha Bucha day – Although not mandatory, the government is asking that no alcohol be served on this day and that all bars and entertainment venues be closed for 1 day. An unnamed police spokesman told Pattaya Mail that the police will strictly enforce this “request”.’

Just to reassure myself I Googled ‘Request’ and got ‘the act of asking for something to be done, especially as a favor or courtesy’.  So? If a ‘Request’ is ‘Enforced’ it is surely not a ‘Request’.

Sorry – I forgot for a moment where I am living, have never been so happy and what the heck am I doing complaining about the difference between ‘Requesting’ and ‘Enforcing’ I wonder?

Hope all your readers have / had a very happy Visakha Bucha day.

Beat wishes,