Facebook comments to “Tour buses create fear, loathing in Pattaya”


The parking lot next to the Tropicana Hotel is a good spot for bus parking.  Discard & load passengers there, not along Beach Rd.



I’ve seen these things going down some sois so small they realized they couldn’t make the next turn and had to back out of them, totally screwing traffic. They should be restricted to major roads only.

Paul US Army Retired


Buddha Hill & lookout is unbelievable with buses.

Danny Robinson


All very well complaining but this is Thailand. It has been westernised too much as it is. We need to accept the country for what it is. That’s why we went there many years ago. If you do not like it, then I suggest people should holiday in Europe.

Peter Forrester


Not true. Safety is international. Thais, my wife included, want safer roads even in Thailand. Nothing to do with “westernising” but with common sense. And my Thai wife doesn’t want to holiday in Europe.

Eric Servaes


When Peter Forrester gets involved in an accident he will eat his words. Also, when I moved here 9 years ago there were no racing tour buses on Beach Road – just songthaew and motorbikes!

Bobby Bling


They are a menace.

Lee Huntingdon


“Tourists”? Never mind them, what about us that live there and drive!

Eva Johnson


Quite agree Eva, we have to put up with them all year round.

Eileen Denning