Health issues close to me



Pattaya Mail, Vol25, No. 28 had articles on 2 health issues close to me.

Prostate Cancer (PC) – I had a brachytherapy op 2 years ago for PC. All is now good PSA 0.41 and decreasing! If you are a 60 years plus male reading this I urge you to have an annual PSA test. I was one of the lucky ones, I had no outward symptoms other than my PSA level at my annual test was slowly rising. A test here in Thailand costs around 700 baht. PC is the biggest killer of men in the Western world.

Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) – I was diagnosed with this frightening illness 10 years ago at my annual visit to my optician. AMD has the ability to cause 100% blindness in months in the worst cases. Again luckily I was diagnosed early and 4 Lutein injections in my eye appear to be holding it at bay. I would say to anyone with AMD changing my diet to eating greens like spinach 4 or 5 times a week and the wearing of sunglasses when watching TV and when outside has also apparently helped improve this problem too.

Choke dee Khrup

Cornish Ned