Help picking up trash



A lovely lady, Virginia, 32, from Moscow on a 1 week holiday, helped the pollution solution group remove dangers from the beach and ocean, for an hour, which again shows it doesn’t matter where we come from, and it doesn’t matter where we are, what matters is where we are coming from on the “inside”.

Next we had 2 very nice Thai children from Petchaboon, around 500 kilometers from Jomtien Beach, also on holiday. They were playing and saw what we were doing and without hesitation began to help. My, 8 years old, and friend Pepe, also 8, with 1 of the fathers Lamy and other family members.

Virginia from Moscow helps keep the beach clean on her holiday here.Virginia from Moscow helps keep the beach clean on her holiday here.

Its a shame and makes one wonder why people on holiday seem to be the only concerned people. Most of the beach-chair vendors just sit and watch. On the beach, clean-up crews are far and few between, the walkways are swept and the beach is a mess most of the time. And here we are worried about people coming to Thailand. It is time for Pattaya City Hall to take a good look at our beaches and we would be more then happy to show them.

Thank You,

Gerry Rasmus,

Pollution Solution Group

My, 8 years old, and friend Pepe, 8, pitch in to clean up.My, 8 years old, and friend Pepe, 8, pitch in to clean up.

The youngsters’ family provides encouragement and support.The youngsters’ family provides encouragement and support.