Kangaroo Court



This week some of the charges against Bradley Manning were dropped. However, he may spend the next 90 years in a military prison.

Snowden will get the same treatment & the US states they have no interest in Julian Assange, could we believe them?

Manning has already served 3 years in a military prison on suicide watch, solitary confined 23 hours a day. We know how the military treats their prisoners. (Abu-Ghraib, Guantanamo.) This in itself is a form of torture.

On the other extreme: 20 army officers are charged with the murder of almost 500 civilians, and are congratulated by their commanding general for having killed 127 Vietcong. On investigation there was no enemy among the dead. Of the men charged 19 were admonished. Whilst 2nd Lt William Galley pleads guilty of the killing of 22 civilians, including babies, and administering the coup-de-gras to the wounded. Sentenced to Life Imprisonment, he spent 3+ years in house detention and was released a free man.

Never offend your friendly Congressman. Life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.

Bryan Patricks