Looking for dog food



We are sharing this with a few people, testing the waters, asking for assistance, be it dog food, donations or input. Some of you have and continue to donate. We and all the dogs say thank you very much.

The photo shows a week’s supply of food for 40 homeless, stray dogs, except for the 5 bottles of water that is used daily.  It’s 7 bags, around 60 kilos (130 pounds). Out of pocket baht is around 3,000 baht per week, which is quite reasonable, compared to prices in the USA.

To get a dog spayed, including a week’s stay, is also 3,000 baht. We seem to get just enough between us and donations to buy the dog food, manage a few vet visits for injuries, and now and again a spaying. We’re grateful for this.

We are looking at all avenues to see how we can get more spayed or neutered, depending on who we can catch or make friends with so they will come with us.  We are always open for suggestions and donations.

At this point we are just happy that we can give them another day to live, one day at a time, until we can do more.  A wag of a tail is worth a thousand words. We count our blessings that we can do what we do. Some of our best friends are dogs and the Thais and Farangs that understand and help.

We put collars on some, so they are not picked up and taken to death sentence, shelter.

For the Pollution Solution Group,

Gerry Rasmus