Never sell anything



Re: Ford GT 40 for under $16,000. Now worth 3 million (PM Automania Friday, 26 February 2016) – I know what Dr. Iain means by cars becoming “collectables”. I sold my 1972 V6 Capri for around $5,000 (I recall). It had lots of nice bits. Recaro seats, Cibie lights, Momo steering wheel, heads ported by Frank Lovett. Some years later, I saw an ad for a grey V6 Capri. Price: $11,000. Phoned the seller. Recaros weren’t in the car, but the Molloy rocker covers were the “give-away”. The moral of the story is: “Never sell anything”. Leave it to the relatives to dispose of it when you go to “that great racetrack in the sky”.
