New Retirement Visa Regulations


Dear Editor;

With reference to Mr. Barry Kenyon’s letter published in your 19th/25th Pattaya Mail Edition I should like to comment as under but with respect only to those UK Farangs relying on the British Embassy Pension Confirmation Letter for their annual Retirement Visa (R.V.) Those UK Farangs having B800,000 in a Thai Bank Account, the new Regulations seem not to apply at this time.

a) The monthly Pension/Income requirement of B65,000 to be paid into a Thai Bank Account equates to an Annual Income on B780,000. Note how close this is to the B800,000 already deposited into a Thai Account on an annual basis or at least three months prior to the R.V. application.

b) Based on current tourist exchange rates B65,000 (at B42.30 to the Pound) = 1,537 Pound c. This is being required every month to be deposited into the Farang’s Thai Account. With the volatility of the Baht/Pound exchange rate this could go up considerably depending upon the current UK Govt’s Brexit dealings.

c) My concern currently is with a UK Farang out of Thailand, albeit having an Annual R.V. and not returning until after 12th December 2018, the cut-off date for the British Embassy to cease issuing the Pension Confirmation Letters. What policy/procedures will the Thai Immigration Authorities insist upon in order to issue this Farang with his new R.V? He may not have the time to introduce this monthly stipend into his Account and mayhap only for the first month? Will Immigration Authorities accept this, as at the moment one can only apply for the replacement R.V. one month prior to the termination of the current R.V.?

d) With the introduction of the monthly transfer of B65,000 by the Farang, is it possible, as I believe it should be, that the Farang can use any or all of it for personal expenses during that month? For Farangs operating under the B800,000 regulation, this can be used up to three months prior to the issue/request of the new R.V. when the balance must be returned to B800,000 three months prior to request of the new R.V. What is the position regarding the monthly income requirement? No statement has been made on this point as to my knowledge.

e) Many of my friends have concerns as to how they will show their Thai Bank Account is indeed in receipt of B65,000 per month for the R.V. protocol. My simple answer to that, unless proven wrong, is that upon request of the new R.V. they should have to take their Thai Account Pass Book to Immigration, photocopies of the relevant pages showing the monthly income accompanying the R.V. Form. However, will Immigration accept a one or two month deposit due to the early request of a new R.V.?

There would appear to be a number of concerns/questions, remaining to be answered and I would hope either the Thai Government / Immigration Authorities attend to these concerns with their utmost diligence. A lot of UK Farangs remain in limbo until all these are resolved.

Rodney M. Girvan