No noise control



Re: Noise control act needed (Mailbag Friday, 25 May 2012).

I have been complaining about a bar which seems to have no customers (they wanted me to become one) where a man with a high-pitched voice screams every night until 2.40 a.m. The amplification is so great that you can hear him about 1 km away. I saw a noise pollution officer at City Hall in June. He said he would visit the bar and call me afterwards. I went back a week later; he got the notes out and said the same thing. I have sent 14 emails over a 7-week period to the secretary to the mayor of Pattaya, without receiving any response. The staff on the 1337 helpline are always courteous and well-meaning, but they have not been able to help or even get a response from City Hall so far. I am considering moving – preferably out of this city altogether.
