Not a matter of one city being “better” or “worse”



Re: Don’t see Chiang Mai through rose colored glasses (PM Mailbag Friday, 29 April 2016) – I agree that Ian’s comments may have been a bit naïve. After all, suggesting that Pattaya should be more like Chiang Mai is like suggesting that Los Angeles should be more like San Diego or Santa Barbara. Which, let’s face it, is kind of a silly thing to do because it’s not a matter of one city being “better” or “worse” than the other. They are just different and different people are attracted to different types of cities.

So maybe Ian has never heard the phrase “different strokes for different folks”. (One should) realize that everyone experiences places in completely different ways. There is no single universal reality. We all have our own individual realities. In other words, we all live in our own personal little universes to a certain degree so two people can actually live in the exact same city and yet be living in two completely different cities in a way. And your reality is no more valid than anyone else’s.

Anyway, Ian was just reporting his own personal observations and there is nothing wrong with that. And in any case nobody should tell someone else how they should be seeing things and how they should write about those things. And they certainly should not try to project their own negativity onto others.
