Peaceful coexistence



Easy solutions seldom are. The seemingly never-ending uncivil war in the restive South has claimed yet another teacher victim, 47-year old Prayat Chuphet from Baan Lam Mai in Yala. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, co-workers and students who must somehow cope with this mindless loss.

This serves as yet another chilling reminder that at least 140 teachers have been killed since the southern violence escalated in 2004, with 30,000 frightened professional teachers refusing to give in to intimidating fear, due to their caring devotion for their beloved students and their families. It’s time to round up the insurgent thugs who gunned down this brave victim and let justice, not vengeance, prevail, ensuring a safer and saner future for one and all.

In Pattani, Narathiwat and Yala, there are nine educational area offices which are better able to fair-mindedly lead, determine qualitative judgments and handle decision-making than a seemingly disinterested top-heavy Ministry of Education bureaucracy which insists on maintaining control and imposing an outdated vested interest curriculum which simply fails to meet the wants, needs and desires of the local people. Decentralised autonomy demonstrating respect for the Rumi language and dignity for Muslim culture traditions are long overdue for immediate implementation as should more tolerant government policies advocating compassionate multiversity and peaceful coexistence.

Dr Chanchai Prasertson