Pedestrian traffic lights a step in the right direction



Having written on the need for traffic lights to allow for the safe crossing of roads in Pattaya several times over the years I was actually very pleased to see on my latest visit that finally something had been done. The response to the latest death may be viewed as a bit over the top (possibly part of the problem) but despite some of the negative views expressed in the Pattaya Mail this has to a step in the right direction.

For as long as many people get away with driving through the red lights it will continue and even increase. I have to admit given the standard of driving in Thailand it would often be safer for the motorcyclist to keep moving rather than stop in the middle of 2nd Road and hope the vehicle behind decides to stop as well.

As usual the solution is quite simple. Get a couple of roving officers in plain clothes and give them the job of dishing out fines to anyone (not only farangs please) who goes through a red light. Let the police keep all the money as their incentive. And while they are at it lets have the fine fixed at THB 2000 if paid on the spot or THB 5000 if they have to go to the police station. After all Thailand has suffered inflation over the years and the fines have not reflected this.

I suppose they would need another couple of plain clothes bodyguards to protect the police holding all the money they would raise. But just see how quickly people would start respecting the laws of Thailand then.

Scottish George