Refuses to denigrate Thai workmanship



Re: Everyone is an expert (PM Mailbag Friday, 13 February 2015) – I refuse to join the brigade of those who spend their time denigrating Thai workmanship. I look to my own country and every day someone has been scammed.

I have every confidence that the tunnel will be a success. Let’s hope there is enough money to complete the project and don’t make the mistake of not looking to the future. Sydney made the mistake of building their tunnels too small and now they are always in gridlock in peak time. It was estimated at the time that for 25% more they could have a tunnel twice the size of the present one. The “bean counters” argued it couldn’t be afforded and we are stuck with what we have. It’s quicker to do a “rat run” through back streets than to sit in a stationary vehicle.

This is not meant in any way to be critical of Thai workmanship as I have watched Pattaya grow over these last 20 years. What was once cement mixed in a tub and transported in buckets to the top of most floors by a rope over a bicycle wheel has now been replaced by cement trucks and mobile pumps and all modern equipment.

Thais? I wouldn’t last a yard in their shoes.

Bryan O’Shea