Shirtless in Pattaya



Finally high season has arrived in Pattaya and along with the cooler weather we have the usual influx of fat shirtless men sporting their sweaty torsos. Indeed both Thais & foreigners can look forward with disdain to seeing more bare backs daily. Many male tourists think that just because they are spending their tourist dollars here they can do whatever they want, that they can do things which are contrary to Thai culture. Some of them even sit shirtless in a restaurant causing great offense to the other customers. These men can be seen roaming the streets with their shirts around their necks or tied around their waists or carrying them in their hands, they are everywhere except where they should be! Such men must be made to realize that their behavior is offensive to Thais and helps to give all foreigners a bad reputation. Thai parents teach their children, “When you are at home, do what you want, but when you go outside you must put some clothes on.” This is just a common courtesy. The Tourist Authority of Thailand publishes a pamphlet which they distribute at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport that tells tourists to wear a shirt in public when they are away from the beach. Obviously, the shirtless are either blissfully unaware that the Thai men don’t go out in public if they are not dressed appropriately, or maybe they are just arrogant and don’t care about anything.

Is there anything that can be done to solve this problem? Yes, indeed there is… all businesses can post a sign stating, “No Shirt No Service”. If Pattaya City Hall finally decided to enforce this rule, this fine resort city will quickly see almost no sweat dripping, shirtless people in businesses and soon fewer of them are going to be seen walking in the middle of town or riding motorbikes.

We are guests in the Kingdom of Thailand and should act and dress with respect. Let’s try and make this beautiful place even better by putting our heads together.


Jack Kaye