Shut-up or die


Dear Editor;

The other day I was sitting along Beach Road when I saw two Thais passing out pamphlets advertising McDonald’s. I smiled to myself as I thought what would happen if I was passing out pamphlets advertising one of the vegetarian restaurants in Pattaya. Before long someone would say: “Stop forcing your vegetarian lifestyle on us.” Or, “Why don’t you go to India.” (Actually I’ve been to India and the restaurants there use so much cheese and butter they can hardly be called vegan paradise!)

When the “McDonald’s” woman offered me a pamphlet I didn’t insult or ridicule her. I simply said: “No. Thank-you.” Nor did I run to the nearest internet and post a comment on a website stating that I hope that woman dies – which is exactly what my horrible and vile critics have said about me. In fact, I have the dubious distinction of being voted on one website as being the one person everyone hopes most would die.

And that’s the difference between me and them. While I hated what the woman with the pamphlets was promoting I didn’t hate her or wish her harm. But my critics believe everyone such as McDonald’s, KFC and other animal tormentors have the right to express their views, and vegetarians should either shut-up or die. Their attitude tells you much more about them than it does about me.

Eric Bahrt