Their own rule of the road


Dear Editor;

Thailand has got gold for the worst road safely on the world, which is no surprise as most drivers want to get to their destination as fast as possible before everyone else.

Saving lives by wearing helmets would definitely reduce the problem but why don’t the authorities get to the root of the problem and stop under age children driving as they have no road care. They only see the car in front which has to be passed on the outside, inside, or on the pavement. Also, while driving they are in conversation with their passenger or checking and reading a text and if it’s raining holding an umbrella up to keep dry. None of this gives them full concentration on driving or control of the vehicle.

It’s about time the authorities get a grip and stop people driving who don’t have a license, haven’t passed a test and don’t have insurance or wear a crash helmet. When this happens it will be safer for everyone on the roads and on the pavement.

When showing an accident on TV or a picture in the press most of the time a motorcycle is involved. Why? Because they can’t wait or check before pulling out or changing directions, or they drive against the glow of traffic. They have their own rule of the road.

UK Ian