Tourist safety



I offered to pay for a holiday to Thailand for my daughter, her husband and my two granddaughters to stay at Koh Chang for a week or so, then a few days in Pattaya. To my surprise she declined the offer saying, “I do not want to bring my girls, who are aged eleven and thirteen, to that environment dad.” I then got a lecture from her about Pattaya’s down side, like jet ski scams, gold snatching, boat crashes and tourists beaten up.

I tried changing her mind, saying I could show her the Thailand that she had never seen. I think Koh Chang is a magical place and Pattaya now has a lot more attractions to see. My daughter came here many years ago before she was married but I could not get her to change her mind.  I had to go to plan B: going to England instead, taking my Thai partner with me, spending money that I would have been spent here.

I love Thailand and its people but wish people in high positions would act on problems as they arise. With today’s technology nothing can be hidden. My daughter got Pattaya’s bad bits from the internet, not me. I can see where tourist safety can be improved and so can many Thais.

Thailand is a wonderful country and I dislike people who say otherwise and will always encourage people to visit.

Ex Pat Barrie