Traffic in Pattaya is a true pest


Dear Editor;

Traffic in Pattaya is a true pest: untidy, confused, anarchist, dangerous and deadly.

The main responsibility falls upon every single driver to avoid becoming irresponsible, intolerant of regulations, and indifferent to other cars, motorcycles and pedestrians.

The worst ever are motorbikes. The majority drive with complete lack of respect for others. They are actually potential killers as well as true kamikazes. Why do most drivers have such a bad attitude?

Somebody tried to understand this abnormal behavior giving some explanations. First and foremost, caution and respect for other subjects on the road are very scarce. How come this posture? Out of ignorance as well as arrogance, frustration, inner aggressiveness or just stupidity?

It would be interesting to promote a survey on a large number of motorbike drivers asking why they are zigzagging all the time risking their own and someone else’s life.

Why are they so desperate to get stuck between cars and trucks even when the room available is very limited?

Why do they drive their bikes on the wrong side of the road?

Why don’t they stop at crosswalks, allowing pedestrians to cross the streets on white stripes?

Why do they drive at such high speeds, at almost 100 km, not aware that the risk of an accident increases exponentially with speed?

Traffic lights are completely ignored.

Car drivers are to blame, too. High speeds, drinking & driving, scarce observance of rules and regulations. No mercy for the pedestrians walking on the zebra crossings. Many times competing against each other on the main roads at high speed.

The worst: minibus drivers, followed by pick-ups and bus drivers. In spite of hasty opinions, I do not accuse baht bus drivers that actually are not so evil. Anyhow, some of them should be deprived of driving as they are a public menace!

During holidays in 2011, more than 300 people died in car and bike accidents while thousands were hospitalized for injures.  Is life so useless and not important to be lived?

In this gloomy scenario farangs should play a role, but instead of setting an example many act like the Thais and behave incorrectly.

However, town authorities as well as regional or governmental authorities shoulder some responsibility. A lack of updated highway codes, adequate road signs, speed limit signs almost non existent, check points rare and occasional, all contribute to this mayhem.

Authorities should put in force suitable penalties for transgressors, such as immediate confiscation of the means of transport, impose heavy fines, and take away offenders’ right to drive for a long time.

Take as example the US: drunken drivers go straight to jail, have their driving license voided, have to pay high fines, plus go through long training, watching on TV endless sequences of frightening car accidents.

At the very end, it is only a question of education.

Best Regard,

Concerned Farang