US Embassy Advisor Office hours for upcoming Songkran


Dear Friend,

As we approach the new year celebration in Thailand of Songkran, we want to wish you the safe and happy time to visit friends and family and ring in the New Year with Peace, Health, and Prosperity. This will be 46th Songkran that I have been a part of since coming here a student at ISB in 1967. Those days were wonderful and safe. Please enjoy the family and friends you cherish during this time.

Our Advisor office in Jomtien will be closed April 6th until April 25th, 2013; however, we will be available via email, telephone and an on call small staff will be able to assist you with emergencies only.

For American Citizens, see contact emergency contact information below for US Embassy ACS office Bangkok.


Bobby Brooks

Warden- US Embassy Thailand

(T) 66-841580785

(F) 66-823440822

For US Citizens Emergency Assistance:

Please Contact 02-205-4049 ACS Bangkok

After Hours Emergency 02-205-4000

Email for ACS BKK: [email protected]