Watching Suthep Thaugsuban for five months



Re: Where the baht should be pegged (PM Mailbag Friday, 25 April 2014) – Dana, I’ve been watching Suthep Thaugsuban from AU for five long months now, and I am satisfied that he wants Thailand to be politically, administratively and economically reduced to a interlocking conflict ridden shambles, with him presenting the solution of irrevocable absorption into ASEAN.

Why irrevocable? Were the political and administrative machinery – though fragile, to have remained un-violated – incidentally meaning that the economy would be better than what it now is, the Thai people on entering ASEAN and finding the resultant erosion of their sense of identity too much to bear, would still have the political and administrative levers to pull, to force by means of a referendum the withdrawal from ASEAN.

It is these political and administrative levers which Suthep Thaugsuban wants to destroy, so that people have not any longer the means of formally registering their desire to be out of ASEAN.

This is what Suthep Thaugsuban means by the never explained reforms he wants to impose by edict on assuming dictatorial powers, with a vague maybe of general elections two years hence, which, knowing his character from how he tried to destroy the elections of February 2, it is certain he will not allow elections, but rather will entrench his power by further embedding Thailand into ASEAN.

Michael Mazur