10 months of parking ‘crackdowns’ do nothing to solve Pattaya Tree Town woes

Police and security guards are dumbfounded as to the whereabouts of the No Parking signs, instead they fund hundreds of motorbikes parked along Soi Buakhao outside Tree Town food and bar complex.

Ten months of parking “crackdowns” have failed to do anything to improve traffic around the Tree Town Market.

Police recently had placed “no parking” signs outside the Soi Buakhao food and bar complex, aimed at the many motorbikes that parked on the narrow street, creating congestion.

Yet on Feb. 24, the signs were gone and the bikes were back.
Tree Town management denied any knowledge about the whereabouts of the signs.

Parking, security and disease control have been chronic problems at Tree Town since it exploded in popularity during the pandemic. One person was killed there last year, it’s the scene of constant fights and was the epicenter of Pattaya’s last Covid-19 outbreak.

Parking has been a continual headache, with police promising a “crackdown” last April. Two months later, another such effort was launched, after the first one failed. And now, seven months after that, it’s still a problem.