2 months after ‘crackdown’ on Tree Town parking, nothing changed

A traffic policeman stands on the ready to chase off any vehicles attempting to park along Soi Bua Khao in front of Tree Town.

Two months after promising to crack down on parking on Soi Buakhao, where motorbikes have blocked already narrow traffic lanes, nothing has changed. So Pattaya police said they’d try again.

Motorists and business owners have complained loudly and repeatedly about the dozens of motorbikes parked along 50 meters of the central Pattaya street by the Tree Town Market bar area.

Traffic has been reduced to a crawl due to lanes being partially blocked by parked bikes and the motorcycle-taxi stand opposite Tree Town.

On April 28, traffic police ordered all parked bikes removed and instructed Tree Town security guards to prevent parking on the street, insisting vehicles must be parked inside the bar complex itself.

No Parking signs are placed along the road, but as they say when the cat’s away the mice will play.

Of course, the police didn’t bother to actually enforce their dictate, so nothing changed.

After more complaints, police came out again June 28, telling merchants repeatedly that there was no parking by Tree Town from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.

They promised that, this time, there would be regular traffic-police patrols.