2000 baht fine for traffic violations on South Pattaya Road

This car is being towed away for a parking violation on South Pattaya Road. The owner faces towing charges, plus a 2000 baht fine.

Pattaya, Thailand – In a bid to tackle traffic congestion and streamline street vending, Anupong Phuttanawarat, Chairman of the Pattaya Governance and Peacekeeping Committee, spearheaded a team of law enforcement officers tasked with implementing traffic regulations in the South Pattaya area.

Since August 23, Pattaya has been actively engaged in a campaign aimed at regulating traffic on South Pattaya Road to alleviate congestion and improve traffic flow on this notoriously congested street. Starting from September 1, these regulations have been rigorously enforced, with law enforcement officers conducting active patrols in the area.

Vehicles found parked in violation of the odd-even parking restrictions on designated days were subject to both towing away and fines. The penalty for parking in restricted areas on incorrect days could amount to as much as 2000 Baht. Anupong encouraged the public to stay well-informed about the odd-even parking schedule and to conscientiously follow traffic regulations to prevent incurring fines.

Addressing another facet of the city’s traffic challenges, Pattaya City officials took measures to manage street vending. Previously, street vendors had encroached upon sidewalks, leading to pedestrian congestion and inconvenience. In response, authorities permitted street vendors to operate within specified designated areas and under specific conditions. However, it was observed that some street vendors had exceeded the allotted space for their stalls. Municipal government officers intervened promptly, removing excess merchandise and ensuring compliance with the agreed-upon terms.

Anupong emphasized that the South Pattaya Road campaign would serve as a model for future traffic regulation initiatives in the city. Police and city officials will maintain their robust efforts in traffic regulation, with a particular focus on South Pattaya Road, stretching from the Sue Sarn (Communications) Intersection on Third Road to the Wat Chai Mongkol Temple intersection. Strict enforcement of odd-even parking regulations will continue to be a priority in this area.

South Pattaya Road looks a lot neater now that the odd-even parking restrictions on designated days have come into effect.

Careless parking on sidewalks or on the road will be strictly dealt with by the law. Motorbikes will be carried away, cars will be towed off and drivers will be fined.
