2nd Chinese e-waste plant raided in Takhiantia

Banglamung District Chief Naris Niramaiwong looks suitably disgusted to find electronic waste in Takhiantia.
Banglamung District Chief Naris Niramaiwong looks suitably disgusted to find electronic waste in Takhiantia.

Another Chinese-run factory in Takhiantia has been raided for illegally importing electronic waste.

Banglamung District Chief Naris Niramaiwong led Chonburi Industrial Department officials and police in the operation at the unnamed plant in Takhiantia’s Moo 4 village Aug. 17.

Two unidentified Chinese in charge of the plant and seven illegal migrant workers were arrested.

Officials arrived to find piles of plastic and electronic scraps from computers as well as bags of crushed electronic supplies.

The operators were charged with running a business with no license, handling hazardous materials without a permit and using an unpermitted building.

The raid came two months after another Chinese run e-waste plant, DK Plastic (Thailand) in Takhiantia was raided and shut down.