90-day traffic crackdown begins Nov. 1


Pattaya police are promising again to crack down on traffic-law violators – at least for a few months – and are getting new equipment from city hall to make it happen.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome and Permanent Secretary Pakorn Sukhonthachat presented 600,000 baht in traffic cones, metal fences and wheel-lock devices to Maj. Sanchai Thinwongdang from traffic police on Oct. 24.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome (5th right) and Pakorn Sukhonthachat (4th right) present new equipment to traffic police inspector, Maj. Sanchai Thinwongdang.Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome (5th right) and Pakorn Sukhonthachat (4th right) present new equipment to traffic police inspector, Maj. Sanchai Thinwongdang.

The 90-day crackdown begins Nov. 1, with South Road between Second and Third roads getting the first extra scrutiny. Police will be looking for motorbikes with more than two people and drivers not wearing helmets. Officials have also promised to again start enforcing alternate-side parking rules that went into effect two years ago and were enforced for only a few weeks.

Parking will be allowed on alternate sides of the street on odd and even days. Violators will have their wheels locked until they pay 700 baht to the police station.

Fifty wheel locks were among the equipment donated. Also given were 300 traffic cones and 150 metal fences to regulate traffic flow and set up checkpoints.

“The purpose of supplying traffic equipment was to ensure residents remained safe and that everyone obeyed the road rules,” Itthiphol said. “We all know that traffic problems and accidents occur frequently on South Road.”

Pakorn said the traffic crackdown will run for three months, covering half of the high season. He said wheel-locked cars still not claimed after two hours will be towed.