Aditya employees apologize to neighbors for chemical leak


Executives from a Rayong chemical plant apologized to neighboring residents after a chemical gas leak at the Maptaput factory sickened more than 40 people.

Thonakrit Naktechawar, human resources director for Aditya Berla Chemicals (Thailand) Co. and about 100 employees visited homes in the Nongfaeb neighborhood near the Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate plant May 19 to apologize for the leak, which sent 42 people to the hospital complaining of dizziness.

Thonakrit Naktechawar, human resources director for Aditya Berla Chemicals (Thailand) Co. apologizes for the chemical gas leak. Thonakrit Naktechawar, human resources director for Aditya Berla Chemicals (Thailand) Co. apologizes for the chemical gas leak.

The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand said chlorine leaked from Aditya May 6 after an emergency shutdown of the plant’s operations. The smell of the gas reportedly spread through surrounding areas for a short time, making those who inhaled it feel dizzy.

Forty-two persons were sent to Maptaput Hospital. IEAT ordered temporary suspension of the plant’s operations until the investigation of the accident is complete.

Thonakrit said management is taking the incident seriously and wanted to explain the system that malfunctioned to the residents. He said management also wants to hear complaints or suggestions from them.

Aditya Birla Chemicals is a leading manufacturer of bulk and specialty chemicals and viscose filament yarn. The business is spread across multiple manufacturing locations in three countries – India, Thailand and China.

The incident occurred just one day after an explosion and fire at the Bangkok Synthetics Co. petrochemical factory in the nearby Maptaput industrial estate.