Angry bees sting beach goers near Pattaya

As dusk fell over the Marine Police pier on Dongtan Bay, no one took heed of the giant nest of killer bees around one of the concrete pillars.

Nearly a dozen people suffered stings after angry bees dislodged by a storm swarmed in Najomtien.

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A cloud of bees massed around the marine police pier at Dongtan Bay, stinging at least ten people within 50 meters of the beehive knocked loose by strong wind.

As night fell, the bees went on a rampage stinging everyone within 50 meters.

Volunteers from the Sawang Rojana Thammasathan tried to remove the hive, but had to retreat after several of them were stung as well.


Rescuers had almost given up when the skies opened and the bees retreated to their hive in the rain.

A brave volunteer then slipped a plastic garbage bag over the hive and sprayed pesticide inside, killing all the insects.

A villager shows the wounds inflicted on his body caused by the killer bee stings.

Officials arrive to assess the situation.


Rescue workers could get close but had to retreat because the bees were too dangerous to handle.
Through the rain, a rescue worker shines his motorbike headlight on the hive.

A rescue worker swiftly puts a big garbage bag over the hive and firmly secures it so that no bee can escape.
A small hole is made on the top corner of the bag with the beehive trapped in it.

The exterminator proudly holds up the can of insecticide after the job is done.