Bangkok-Pattaya bus driver suspended for mobile phone use behind wheel

A photo shows the driver using his mobile phone while driving a bus full of passengers.
A photo shows the driver using his mobile phone while driving a bus full of passengers.

A Rung Ruang Tour Co. driver has been suspended after being caught on video playing with his mobile phone while behind the wheel of a packed Bangkok-Pattaya bus.

A representative at Rung Ruang’s Pattaya Bus Station office said May 12 that the unidentified driver violated company policy about using mobile devices for either texting or talking while driving and has been relieved of duty indefinitely.

The suspension came after a frequent passenger who goes by the online moniker Eak posted a video of the driver talking on his mobile phone, watching YouTube videos, listening to music and even counting pocket change while driving the from the Eastern Bangkok Bus Terminal to Pattaya.

Eak said that he not only worried that the behavior put all the passengers in danger, it also made the bus late, with the trip taking nearly an hour longer than usual.

He said the driver drove the bus in the right “fast” lane and was repeatedly being honked at by other cars for going too slowly.