Biker run over by big-rig he tried to pass near Pattaya

Big bike rider, Anan Kaewkam died when he tried to to overtake and pass a big rig on the left, hit the loose pavement, fell and slid under the back wheels of the trailer.

A motorcyclist trying to overtake a big rig crashed and was run over by it instead.

Anan Kaewkam, 23, died at the scene of the Feb. 5 accident on Highway 331 on the Huay Yai-Chachoengsao border. His smashed Kawasaki Z900 lay nearby.

Saknil Janjorn, the 35-year-old driver of the Nakhon Sawan-registered Hino 10-wheel tractor-trailer, said he never saw the accident nor the victim.

His story was backed up by the dashcam video of a passing car, which showed Anan trying to overtake and pass the big rig on the left. But he hit loose pavement, fell and slid under the back wheels of the trailer.