Blocked drains cause flooding in Nongprue

Authorities needed to install pumps to drain away floods from a residential area in Soi Chaiyapornwitee 22 after heavy rain showers.
Authorities needed to install pumps to drain away floods from a residential area in Soi Chaiyapornwitee 22 after heavy rain showers.

Scattered rainstorms that bypassed much of Pattaya created flooding in Nongprue.

The sub-district’s Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department was forced to deploy pumps on Soi Chaiyapornwitee Jan. 26.

Department chief Banjong Khumbunka had staffers place pumps around local houses, which suffered water damage in the downpour.

It took about an hour to clear the water.

He said the flooding was caused by blocked drains in the area and that the sub-district would send workers to clear them.