British group offers online-abuse prevention training for Pattaya officials


A British organization which works worldwide to prevent children from being exploited on the Internet is offering to train Pattaya officials in its abuse-prevention methods.

At a July 4 Pattaya City Hall meeting with Social Welfare Department bureaucrats, Time Gerrish, education and training director for the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center, said the CEOP has organized training in countries around the world for the past five years.

Tim Gerrish from CEOP offers to train Pattaya officials in its abuse-prevention methods. Tim Gerrish from CEOP offers to train Pattaya officials in its abuse-prevention methods.

The CEOP, he said, is responsible for the investigation, prevention and suppression of violence and abuse against children through online media. It is also responsible for providing knowledge and training to staff members who work with children.

The proposed seminar, scheduled for later this year, would cover how to protect and care for people who use the Internet, as well as youngsters who might be exploited through the Internet. The organization follows up initial training three and six months afterward. The CEOP previously provided its expertise to officials in Bangkok, Gerrish said.