Broke, unemployed Pattaya couple with 60 dogs begs for cash

Kumakorn Suriya lost her job at a hotel 2 years ago, has no income, but still has to feed her 60 dogs and one boar.

An out-of-work Huay Yai couple who have collected 60 dogs and a pig are now begging for donations to pay for their food and medicine.

Kumakorn Suriya, 50, and her husband are renting a wood-and-tin shack in the woods in the subdistrict outside Pattaya. Their land is fenced in with 60 dogs barking and running wildly. Inside the shack is a 70-kilogram boar.

Kumakorn said she used to earn a good salary working for a hotel, but was laid off two years ago. Her husband also is unemployed. But Kumakorn said she loves animals and has continued to take in stray dogs and raise their puppies.

She has no income to support the dogs, however, and recently borrowed money from a loan shark at exorbitant interest to open a somtam stand, but that failed, too, leaving them in more debt.

Instead of getting rid of the animals they can’t afford and can’t care for, the couple is now asking people to donate cash to their bank account to pay for dog food and medicine for the sick animals.
Anyone wishing to help can call Kumakorn on 098-0342880.

The kind-hearted dog lover lives in a wood-and-tin shack in the woods caring for 60 dogs and a 70-kilogram boar.

Kumakorn desperately needs financial help so she can buy food and medicine for the sick animals.