Brother of ‘suicide’ victim suspected of murder

Rescue workers attempt to revive Apiwat Pollarb, who later died from a single bullet to the heart.
Rescue workers attempt to revive Apiwat Pollarb, who later died from a single bullet to the heart.

The brother of a Najomtien man who allegedly committed suicide is under investigation for his murder.

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Sattahip police were called to the Ying Charoen Sub furniture store on Sukhumvit Road June 22 to find the lifeless body of Apiwat Pollarb, 23. He died from a single bullet to the heart. The bullet was found, but not the gun.

Brother Pipat Pollarb, 22, said Apiwat long has suffered from depression and had just quarreled with his mother. After that, Pipat said, he heard the gunshot and found his brother dead.

Afraid of the police consequence of having a pen gun, Pipat said he panicked and threw the gun in the woods. Police searched the area where it supposedly was tossed and could not find it.

Police added that they found Pipat’s answers suspicious and are now investigating the death as a homicide.

Police found the bullet, but not the gun.
Police found the bullet, but not the gun.