Bureaucrats given lessons on polite language, ethics


More than 350 government bureaucrats were reminded of the importance of polite service and ethics at a two-day seminar in Pattaya.

Organized by the Pattaya Personnel Development Office, the May 20-21 workshop featured monk Sompong Talpukto from Wat Sroi Thong Temple in Bangkok and Thongsuk Mantathorn, former director of the Education Ministry’s Education Administration Development Department.

Sompong preached to the 357 bureaucrats attending on principles of working happily, saying that to adapt oneself to achieve the balance from the changes in economy, society and environment, balance is required through morals and ethics, which can be used to lead a peaceful life that can be improved in parallel with social globalization.

Thongsuk Mantathorn (left) teaches local officials to be polite when performing their duties.Thongsuk Mantathorn (left) teaches local officials to be polite when performing their duties.

He stressed the importance of developing discipline and morals, which can be used as guidelines in leading lives for Pattaya citizens. The project also included organizing activities regarding ethics to remind the minds of the attendees to focus on harmony.

Thongsuk educated attendees on using polite Thai language in customer service, stressing proper, traditional words instead of coarse slang.

Speaking politely, he said, charms the customer. Plus the former director also disclosed the history of following His Majesty’s footsteps and lectured on positioning oneself in this social globalization through Buddhism using ethics, morals, and teachings to the attendees as light opening their ways in serving citizens.