Burglar outruns Buddhist temple monks wanting their bells back

Phra Surasak Tewathammamo points to where 5 large temple bells were hung, before one got stolen.

Monks running in robes were no match for a panicked burglar fleeing a Chonburi temple.
Monk Phra Surasak Tewathammamo said Nov. 24 he had given pursuit to the burglar who, for the second time, had broken into Nong Ree Temple in Muang District to steal its bells and other valuables.

The burglar escaped Nov. 22, but without his booty: The thief, fleeing Phra Surasak, had tossed a stolen bell over the temple’s back wall, but didn’t realize there was swamp there. The bell rolled in and the burglar couldn’t retrieve it. He escaped, but police are on the case.

Nong Ree Temple once had five cast iron bells that Buddhists clang to wish for good luck. The burglar earlier got in at night and stole one. He also tried to break into a storage shed, but failed.

This time he again pried loose a second bell, but was spotted by a temple boy, who shouted for help from the monks who gave chase.

The fleeing thief tossed the stolen bell over the temple’s back wall, landing in the swamp, from which he couldn’t retrieve, so he ran off without it.

Monks gather around the temple wall after the excitement of the chase subsided.