Burst tire flips gas tank laden truck on Pattaya highway

A rescue worker checks the tanks for leakage. One was found to be leaking gas and the valve was turned off immediately.

Motorists driving along Motorway No. 7 got quite a scare when a truck laden with gas tanks burst a tire and flipped onto its side hurling the steel containers all over the highway.

Songkran Petchsukh, 51, said that as he was driving his gas tank laden truck along the highway nearing a curve and a slope, a left rear tire burst. He lost control of the truck which hit the center barrier and flipped onto its side. He said the truck was carrying 35 gas tanks which he was delivering to a customer in Pattaya.

Police cordoned the area and checked the tanks for any leakage. Fortunately, they found only one that was leaking and hastily turned off the valve. The dangerous-looking tanks were quickly cleared away from the highway. The truck driver assured police that the gas in the tanks was for industrial use only and was not flammable.

Industrial gas tanks are scattered on the highway after a truck carrying 35 tanks burst a tire and flipped onto its side on Motorway No. 7.