Center for power company service complaints established


People angry over drooping electricity lines or frequent power cuts finally have a place to air grievances with the launch of the Energy Consumer Protection Center in Chonburi.

One of 13 centers set up nationwide by the Regional Energy Consumers Committee, the center handles complaints about brownouts, dangerous power lines and other service related issues.

Energy Regulator Commission consumer protection chief Prated Srichomphoo said the new centers aim to bring improved efficiency to the power industry. The center will give those who’ve seen power companies ignore complaints an ally in fighting for a resolution. Action is promised within 60 days.

The center is located in the Club Building on Prayasatja Road in Samet sub-district. For more information, contact 038-113 487-9 or visit

Energy Regulator Commission consumer protection chief Prated Srichomphoo says the new centers aim to bring improved efficiency to the power industry. Energy Regulator Commission consumer protection chief Prated Srichomphoo says the new centers aim to bring improved efficiency to the power industry.